Field of application:
The current limiting coil is used in the supply circuits of track circuits with 75Hz alternating current pulses, having the role of limiting the alternating current at the emission end when the insulating section is sounded as well as for reducing the active power loss. Current limiting coil equips appliance pickets (boxes), appliance cabinets.
Technical-constructive parameters:
• Applied voltage: 135 V ± 5% / 50Hz frequency
• Rated current: 3A ± 10%
• AC impedance: 45 Ω ± 5%
• Active resistance: 2 Ω ± 5%
• Coil inductor at 135V, 3A and 50 Hz:: 0.143 ± 5%
• Phase angle: max. 88 degrees at 50Hz
• The product works with 75 Hz alternating current path circuits in pulses (circuits in 2/4 sequences and circuits type C-4-64, CN-75-6).
• Overall dimensions: 120x85x160 ± 1 mm
• Weight: 2.5 ± 0.1 kg